Common Delusions of the Homo Sapiens

Our voice matters
Until we are thrown onto blood stained floors with lifeless fingers 
Reaching for the life we never had.

We are free
Until we are chained down and locked away
The key rusting on its hook

We must work together
Until our best friends are pointing the business ends of guns at our hearts
And the walls of trust are crumbling.

No one is truly evil
Until we find your nightmare monsters in dark allies
Ciggaretes dangling from their lips and greasy hands covering your mouth, daring us to scream.

Don't judge a book by its cover
Until we find a book with nothing in it
Because the author had stopped hoping.

No one is better than us
Until we are thrown down and kicked 
And become nothing more than a scuff mark on a sneaker

Be strong for us
Until you want to scream and you hurt inside
But you never say a word because you're "being strong" and you overflow.

Be you
Until you are scorned for every breath
And you run forever but something is always chasing.



19 years old

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