If I were to rename a 12 pack of crayons the Dark Red would be Crimson Catastrophe. Bright Red could be Coke Can or Ketchup. Bright Orange would be Mashed Mango or maybe Sweetpotato. Dark Orange might be something like Cooling Lava and maybe Sunset. My Yellow would be called Sulfur and Green would be called Chlorophyll. Light Blue is Faraway Mountains and Dark Blue has to be Clear Sky. Black can be Carbon and Dark Grey is Lava Rock. Light Grey is Rain Cloud and lastly Purple being Amethyst.
Aidan W.
If I were to rename a 12 pack of crayons the Dark Red would be Crimson Catastrophe. Bright Red could be Coke Can or Ketchup. Bright Orange would be Mashed Mango or maybe Sweetpotato. Dark Orange might be something like Cooling Lava and maybe Sunset. My Yellow would be called Sulfur and Green would be called Chlorophyll. Light Blue is Faraway Mountains and Dark Blue has to be Clear Sky. Black can be Carbon and Dark Grey is Lava Rock. Light Grey is Rain Cloud and lastly Purple being Amethyst.
Aidan W.
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