Climate Change— And A ‘Short’ Life Lesson

      Climate change is happening all over the word, and is practically dooming our planet, and ourselves, to extinction. So what are people doing to stop this? Although many laws and acts have been put in place to try and stop climate change from happening (whether that’s by ‘reducing’ CO2 from the atmosphere, or by steming fossil fuel usage) how much impact are they actually doing? Even if it might help to reduce carbon emission, the damage is done. There is no ‘taking carbon out of the atmosphere’ if it’s already there. Those acts or laws are merely lessening the amount being released into the atmosphere each year, which isn’t enough to actually make a difference. There is no ‘stopping’ climate change. There is no ‘preventing’ what we’ve already done. We can only slow down the process, even if it’s only by a little bit. So what do I think about climate change? Should we support what’s happening now, with people trying to slow it down, or should we just not care because it’s not going to matter in the future. Maybe I’m not so educated in the topic of what will happen once climate change actually catches up to us, but I can have an opinion over it. 

      It’s sad the fact that we’ve already gotten the boulder rolling, and it’s rolling too fast to stop. It’s sad that the Endangered Species list is growing more and more, and that more and more animals are going extinct. And it’s sad that there’s not much one can actually do about it. But I’m not saying we should just stand by and let it happen. Maybe there are other ways to stop that, but there are so many more problems than just endangered and extinct animals. People are dying because of natural disasters, and how climate change increases the risk of those. I’ve heard that the hurricane season is starting sooner, and ending later each year. So what happens when hurricane season is… all the time? What happens when the air is so full of plastic, that we choke on it? What happens when the ocean currents stop moving? What happens when there are no more animals left? What happens when all the trees burn down? What happens when there’s no more ice? What happens then? But some people don’t want to feel guilty, driving their car, or buying chocolates that are made by people who don’t get paid enough. But should we make them feel guilty? Should we make them feel guilty about harming the earth when nothing will actually come of that? What would they actually do, if someone feels bad trying to enjoy a treat, or drink water they know others don’t have. Why force punishment upon yourself when you don’t have to? Maybe it seems a little heartless, but why would you deny yourself water because others don’t have a choice to when you do? Maybe once you have the power to, go help those in need. But as a 13 year old who doesn’t know how to start, I say as long as you don’t, say, abuse it, like hating on them? If you have the option, take it. You’re still the same, people. People may need things more than others, and others may have the opportunity, and that's just how it is. 

       So maybe we shouldn’t ignore what’s happening around us, but don’t surround your life with guilt and gloom with what’s happening. But don’t get drunk of luxury, as one might say. Be happy and help if you can. People need it. Sometimes people punish themselves for not feeling grateful enough with what they have. But if everyone was grateful, then we would live a life of thanking and loving instead of enjoying. So I might be off on what actually happens, and I can’t say ‘be happy because that’s what makes life worth living’ because you can’t force anyone to be happy. As one might say, ‘you can’t beat happiness into a person’. Even if it’s not your fault, no one can force themselves to feel a certain way, or think a certain way, or want certain things. Faulting someone or something for something out of ones control is a bit harsh. For example, I could want all the riches in the world. I could want for everyone to worship me and love me. Someone could point out how mean that was, that I was so power hungry. And then I would feel sad and anxious about what else I did to make people think of me that way. And then I would blame myself for wanting that, instead of the person who pointed it out because really, it was all my fault for even thinking of it in the first place and then I would become self conscious and ruin my path to happiness at that moment. But would I change how I felt? Would it change the fact that I still wanted people to worship me like a king? I could try and beat the thought back, but nothing actually would’ve changed it. Then I could want to beat the person who said the thing to me for making me feel that way because I wanted someone to punish. And then I would think how mean that was, and how I’m not actually a violent person and I could never do something like that. Yes, I could want it unrealistically, and that never means I would actually do it. It’s like flicking though possibilities. If I beat the person, then I would get my revenge… right? But then should I get punished for wanting that? What good would it do, except I would learn that wanting certain things was terrible, and if I ever wanted that then I would deem myself terrible. And then I would be stuck in a never ending cycle of wanting something and then trying to force myself into something else without ever actually knowing what to do, or what to think or want to be. And then if I took a darker turn, I could start over boiling to the point where I would start acting differently to others, and then I would be thought of as a mean person. And then I would feel even worse, and not know how to act at all and then I would cry each night until I couldn’t anymore, and I would need to become someone totally different to save others from my struggles. 

      You know the saying, ‘just be yourself’?  I always wondered how accurate that actually was. the saying was assuming everyone was good on the inside, but that’s after applying all the hardships and obstacles they had to face. And sometimes you are yourself, and then get punished for it because it’s not in someone’s best interest. I wonder, how this turned from me talking about climate change to giving a life lesson. And how long it has gotten, sheesh. So maybe the saying should be ‘try to be yourself, and if you can’t be or don’t want to be, be the person you want to be. If you can’t be the person you want to be, try not to waste away from the consequences of your actions or others. I can’t say that it’ll save you, or anyone else, but trying never hurts, I suppose’. Oh, and I forgot one more thing I needed to add. Back to the ‘power hungry blaming’ part. Soooo, who would actually have been to blame? Was it me, who chose all those paths, or was it the person who started it all by calling me greedy when they would’ve had no idea what would’ve happened? And if we can blame no one, what’s stopping stuff like this from happening again? And if we could, what would we do anyways? 

      I’m leaving you with a bunch of thought, I suppose, instead of answers because, well, not only can I not think of a straight one to give you, but I think it’s better if you answer them yourself. Because you might disagree with the ones I would’ve come up with, or ones others might’ve had. And if you don’t come up with one, that’s ok. This is not school. But finding it out for yourself means it’s your answer so you can choose how it defines you. Sometimes. At least, it’s your understanding of the situation which leaves more at peace. Farewell, my friends, agreement or not, I wish you the best, always. :)

Posted in response to the challenge Big Oil.



13 years old