Church of the Boys

I’m at the front of the room.

“Hello, fellow boys!” I call to them.

“Hello, Jay!” they reply.

“Today we begin the Church of the Boys! Tell all your friends to eat in the Quiet Lunch Room instead of the Cafeteria! That is, if they want to join.”

“Oh my gosh,” Libby says from across the room. “Seriously? Church of the Boys? They shouldn’t be able to have it in here, we eat here too! Right, guys?”

The other two girls at the table, Iris and Abi, agreed. Girls are so annoying. Luckily, no one listens to Libby and Iris since they’re both dating Levi. But they still deny it! Idiots. Everyone knows.

A few boys listen to Abi but that’s only because she’s popular.

“Okay, boys, take the pledge!” I command.

“K,” they reply.

“I, Jay”

“I, [insert name here]”

“Solemnly swear”

“Solemnly swear”

“To follow the word of Christ and get rid of all furries.”

“To follow the word of Christ and get rid of all furries.”

The bell rings.

“Make a wish and go to break!” Mrs. Bernard calls.

“See you tomorrow, Church of the Boys!”

“Church of the Boys!”



13 years old

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