From the Caves of the Sky

Mist still lingers,

Weighting the world,

Each droplet, each dewdrop,

Catching in the sun,

Refracting each ray,

But not quite like the sky,

The watercolored thing,

Splashed through the gray

Are colors settling,

Proof beauty can emerge

From the caves of sadness

Where the walls are tear-stained

From the water that’s dripped

With every howl on anger

The crevice shouted out,

Where the downpour eventually faded,

Leaving it’s cheeks rosy and damp

As it breathes with the wind,

Each steading gust

Blowing a spark of hope

Higher and brighter

Until it reaches out,

The sun catching

On the salt sodden drops

And lets a rainbow emerge

From the caves of the sky.



14 years old

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