Carefree Honeybee,
Don’t you see the hope you’ve given me?
I’ve climbed up and up and up but the end seems never closer, and I’m reaching reaching reaching for a dream that’s never there.
But that’s when I saw, in the flowers soft maw, a Carefree Honeybee
And if you can hover and buzz, if you can dance and love, in the face of growing darkness
Then maybe I can too.
And if the rain pours down, you’ll take cover in the forest, green life all around
Not a care in the world you’ll have, little Carefree Honeybee
The flowers nectar, so sweet, and the sunlight, you’ll meet, and twirl in a dreamland of hope and relief.
And with open arms your hive will greet you, a homecoming to revive and treat you, to a rest that’s well deserved.
If you can rest, maybe I can too.
Carefree Honey, don’t you see the hope you’ve given me?
Now when I’m stuck in a tunnel of depression, happiness gone replaced by desperation,
I’ll remember the lesson you taught me.
Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Spring '24: Writing Contest.
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