A captivating sky

"Say anything you want", 
she told the violet-broken room.
"If you are here
it means this is how you speak.
How you truly explain."
Her wire rimmed glasses flash goldenblue.

A boy dressed like the sky raises his hand.
Explain what? You didn't finish your sentence.

"Yes! Exactly! Anything, everything, nothing!
Explain your explaination, for crying out loud!"
This sends a ripple of orange throught the room, 
off the rough walls. 
everyone here
is an explaination.
Like you!"

She points to a girl sitting near the back, 
eating strands of red licorice that
match her violent cherry explosion lipgloss.
"You are an explaination."

The girl laughs
rolls her eyes a bit.

"No, really! You are an explaination of your name, 
you show us who you are.
You define your name, 
your name doesn't define you."

from around the room, everyone
seated on the worn armchairs, piled onto beat up couches
beginning to come awake, stars
starting to kiss the night sky.

points to a person, obsidian
glitter rimming their eyes.
"Will you please
spill your words 
so that we might soak them up with a biscuit
and taste them?"

Some snickers in the back, she's sure
it's some perve who took that unrestrained sentence
and turned it sexual.

The person she's addressing, they
raise their eyebrows at this strangely worded request but, 
after a moment, 
give a slight nod.
Walk up to the stage, 
an ocean of calm and control.

And then
then they speak of someone.
The person they're in love with.
About a person with skin like
marshmellow swirled with chocolate
if you can even imagine.
Can you?
Lyrics about a girl
with hair so long and thick
and full of magic, 
that you can get lost in it
and not mind at all...

The whole room is a quiet green as this person speaks.
When the poem is over, 
loving and lulling
everyone explodes into turquoise, 
clapping for the person
with the neon shoes
and velvet voice.

a girl who's hair has been dyed
She breathes out words
that everyone clings to.
Words of rainclouds and
identity and
glass beads. 
Finding yourself and 
ribbons woven into hair.
She finishes
and for a moment
she's holding everyone hypnotized.
And then it sounds as if there are horses galloping through the structure, among the people, weaving through the crowd, in the ceiling. It rattles off the walls, making the floor tremble.

Others filter up
the beat wooden staircase, 
the chocolate chip cookies have long been demolished.
It's four hours later and still
words carmelize and crystalize the room.

A boy in a leather jacket and white tee, 
his voice raspy like smoke
performs a startling piece about fire 
and the love and loss that comes with it and how it heals and hurts.
And people clap through their tears when it ends, 
the entire room sparking and 
he looks startled and happy.

When everyone feels saturated and content
the evening ends.
It's around midnight but
everyone's electric, their nerves jangly and raw.
As they all pour out the door
the cold wraps around them
and pulls them against her bosom.
Scarves wrapped tight, laughter being batted around in the air, 
there is so much noise until
"Hey. Look at the sky!"
And the stars frost over everything
and the world goes silent.




18 years old

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