Calliope's Odyssey Chapter 1

I walk through my garden in the chilly night air. Shivering, I look longingly back towards my house, wishing I could just grab a cardigan from my room and be done with it.

But then I remember just how dire my situation is. I remember that I'm running away from home--from Mom and Dad, from my sister Abby, from everything I love. My clothes, my shoes, my books--even my diary, the thing that started this whole disaster in the first place. So I can't go back; not to grab a cardigan, not for anything. 

Suddenly, a light from inside blinds my vision. I see that my older sister, Abby, has turned on a lamp in her bedroom. I thought everyone had gone to sleep so I was in the clear, but I guess not.

Because Abby is staring right at me.

Her long dark hair is flowing down her shoulders in a never-ending waterfall, and even her pajamas are gorgeous. Abby's always been everything I'm not: fun, friendly, pretty, outgoing. Likable. Likable, likable, likable. To everyone except me.

Especially now. Now that I see the disappointment and shame lighting her eyes on fire as she watches me.

I swallow hard, knowing that Abby is about to tell our parents. She'll say, Mom! Dad! Callie is running away! Get her before she leaves the property!

Sure, I can run, but not as fast as marathon-runner Mom and former-football-player Dad. However, there might be a chance that I will be able to get away before...

Prickles running down my spine, I sprint to the garden gate, my breath puffing out and swirling into the frosty air above me. It's super dark outside, and the only lights I see are the one coming from Abby's window and the pale yellow of the moon in the dark, star-studded sky. The moon and stars glimmer down on me as if to say they are disappointed in me. Just like Abby. Just like my parents. Just like everyone.

Well, you know what? I don't care. I jumble with the lock on the gate, trying to pick it, which is practically impossible with steel like this. I wish I had grabbed my mom's key from her coat pocket before I left the house. Mom thinks she's so smart, hiding it there, but everyone knows.

Somehow, I manage to pick the lock. I'm not at all sure how I did it, but this is no time to think. I silently cheer with relief as the gate swings open, the rest of the world spread out in front of me like a panorama.

I'm about to run towards my destiny when two ghastly figures dressed all in black storm out of the house and into the garden.

My whirlwind of thoughts buzz, spin, turn inside out as I try to comprehend what could possibly be happening to me right now.

And I can't help it; I scream.




14 years old

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