I have been tricked;
They promised me freedom.
Yet the cost was not mentioned.
I have been cursed:
When I asked for liberty,
When I asked for flight,
I did not expect an answer.
Yet they did answer.
I was given wings
The ability to fly, exhilarating
The wind hits my wings,
The blue surrounds me,
Yet I have been tricked;
For the price of liberty was not mentioned.
When I was given flight,
They gave me a task
Told me that I must carry the sky.
At first I did not mind;
The wind made me forget
For there was no feeling that compared to that of flying; exhilarating.
Yet this trapped liberty was not my wish.
I have been tricked;
I am burdened with the weight of the sky.
The horizon, my priority;
Myself, forgotten
I ask them to take it back.
This was not what I asked for.
No longer am I free.
I wish to land.
Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Spring '24: Writing Contest.
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