Bump in the Road

When the power goes out and wifi's gone
When your nose runs in the chilly air
When online deliveries arrive late
When you can't fast-forward live TV
When electrical sockets are too far away
When your phone charger was left at home
When important emails are moved to spam
When your long fake nails chip off

Although the nuances are large and distinguished right now
In the big picture
All of our qualms, our joys, our experiences
Co-exist in one big world
Composed of a zillion little things
Although it seems swelled and prominent
It's just one more bump in the road
Trust that it'll be okay



15 years old

More by elise.writer

  • january to july

    in the months of darkness and cold, i never stopped writing.

    i just kept it all to myself. every night, my own religion

    pages of pen poised on paper, pouring my heart out

  • butterflies

    i don't want to love someone

    because i'm supposed to

    you told me, one night in mid-july.

    warm air and sun fading in the sky,

    i want to fall in love with someone

  • lotus

    i've heard this story a thousand times before.

    i've seen it unfold. it started with a glance, became a smile,

    became a longing. when i realized it was my turn,

    i was too late. no one told me how hard it would be