Brownie girl

I made brownies and carefully placed choco chips on the top,

I carved your name in the raw top,

maybe I can grant your wish and be yours, 

perhaps I can wish you over with sweets. 

I know I've tried savory foods, 

popcorn in a bow-tied bag, 

tree nut mix in a little tin. 

This time I remembered your sweet tooth just in time, 

I baked brownies and put on my best dress,

just for you my boy, 

or maybe it's too early to say you're mine, 

or perhaps I'm getting stuck in my fears. 

ding dong ding dong

You're here and I smooth my frizzy brown bangs, 

hoping my blush is not overkill, 

hoping you like the brownies like I like you. 

You smile that killing smile all the way to your eyes, 

and I guess you like the brownies, 

as much as you like me. 

Posted in response to the challenge Language.



18 years old