Broken yet still whole

I am broken

yet I still am whole

I am sad

yet I still find reasons to smile

I am lonely

yet I still find moments of inclusion

I am tired

yet I still find reasons to push through

I am scared

yet I still find reasons to be brave

I have a heart that aches

yet I still find ways to be happy

I have a mind that grows old

yet I still find ways to be young

I have a body that is changing

yet I find ways to stay the same

I am broken

yet I am still whole

What about you?



18 years old

More by Amelia_v

  • bookish girl

    A book lover who reads by flashlight and dreams of living in a cottage by the sea,

    and running a bookstore with tinted windows and plants spilling down shelves,

  • Growing

    I try never to forget, 

    I'm the greatest project,

    I'll ever work on. 


    We are made for each other, 

    Just not in this lifetime.


  • Dear younger me

    You are music.

    You are art.

    You are the flowers in your hair. 

    You are mismatched fuzzy socks.

    You are your elephant dress over polka-dot leggings. 

    You are rain. 

    You are sunshine.