Breaking The Ice

     Sara is new to her school in Mississippi. Ever since she was a little girl, she has been very shy. It’s the very first day and she knows nobody in her 7th grade class. She is scared to talk to them but doesn’t like being the awkward new girl who is always quit. She knows she will have to start talking to her classmates soon. 
    That night after school she went home and started thinking of something she could say to the other girls. Just after an hour of thinking she came up with four ways to break the ice between her and her classmates. 
    She made a list…

Observe the other students in her class and see who has similar interests as her. She then could say ‘Hey I like that too.’

Talk to another shy person that understands her point of view and how its hard to talk to new people.

Talk to one person that seems nice and become friends with them and their friends.

Get a teacher she feels comfortable talking to that could introduce her to other classmates and learn a little about each other. 

Sara decided to go with steps two and three. The next day she would find another shy person in her class to become friends with and have them introduce her to others in their class.


19 years old

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