Caroll Spinney spent 57% of his life as Big Bird.
He died a year after he retired.
I think if his body had let him, Caroll might have died in that suit.
Maybe I spend more time thinking about Big Bird than the average eighteen year old.
78% of car accidents are the fault of men,
Which is a fact I just made up, but think about a lot
when I am running through a parking lot.
20% of car accidents happen in parking lots,
Which is a true fact that I don’t think about
when I am running through a parking lot.
Someday, I might have a boring adult job.
Maybe I will have to Write Reports,
Or get my ideas stolen by men.
If I was a muppeteer, I don’t think I would have to write reports,
But probably my ideas would still be stolen by men.
Puppeteering is a very man-dominated career.
Sometimes when I walk out of a building,
as soon as I am out of eyesight of people,
I start running.
I run and run and run,
I like it best when it is cold out and the wind stings my eyes.
Sometimes when I am running and it is cold out and everything is a little blurry,
I laugh and laugh and laugh,
and stick my arms out,
and make airplane noises.
I do all my homework on time.
I have two jobs.
I keep notebooks full of to-do lists and schedules.
Sometimes, when I see a big puddle, I would like to jump in it.
But I don’t.
I am slowly working my way through all the picture books
in the children's room
of my college’s library.
Caroll Spinney was 36, and Big Bird was 6.
Caroll Spinney was 59, and Big Bird was 6.
Caroll Spinney was 85,
and Big Bird was 6.
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