Bias as I see it

I think bias is ingrained in humans. No one can escape it. Personally, I have to deal with bias all the time. Between being disabled, being goth, and being queer, a lot of people make assumptions about me.

All the time, I hear people say, "Oh, that poor girl. Look at her with her walker."

Or with little kids, "Mom (or dad or other) why does that girl walk with a cane? Is she a cripple?"

When people find out I'm queer, the reactions vary from "Oh, cool" to "Oh my god, that's so gross" or "Get away from me!"

As for being goth, there are just so many stereotypes about it. People think you're mean, they think you're trying to summon demons (they're not always wrong about that one), they think you don't care about anything, etc.

Humans are inherently filled with bias. It comes from how we grew up, what jobs we worked, and so much more. Bias will always be with us, but you can at least keep an open mind. Try not to judge someone too much until you know their story.

Posted in response to the challenge Bias.

Fainting Goat


15 years old

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