Beyond the mirror's shadow

In the mirror, I see fragments 
of you staring back at me, 
but I refuse to let your shadow 
define the woman I've become. 

Your voice echoes in my mind, 
reminders of the wounds you inflicted, 
but I've unearthed a resilience, 
a fire that burns brighter than your darkness. 

I stand tall, strong and empowered, 
with each step forward a declaration 
of my freedom from your hold. 
I am more than your failings. 

In the mirror, I see not just fragments 
of you, but the reflection of a woman 
who has risen from the ashes, 
unbound by the chains of your effect. 

And though your presence still lingers, 
a ghost haunting the boundaries of my being,
I know that I am more than
the sum of your limitations.

In the mirror,
I see not your shadow,
but the radiant light
of my own resilience,
illuminating the path
to my true self.



17 years old

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