The Beginning of a Story

She lived on the edges of a small idyllic town in the country. It was quiet and safe, whre nothing of consequence really happened. Occasionally, one promising student woul win some spelling bee or other, or some rare wildlife would be spotted in someone's back yard. The town was so small that it was impossible to go anywhere without recognizing some aquaintance. Everyone knew who everyone else was. Winters were cold, summers were hot, and everything in between was wet. There was an ice cream stand, which was horribly understaffed, that was the hideaway of all the local teenagers. Friends would often congregate there, or in the park across the street. The ice cream wasn't particularly remarkable, but it was cold and sweet, so that's the place everyone wanted to be on hot August afternoons. Boys and girls and people in between would find themselves there without meaning to, having felt the indisputable pull of the mediocre ice cream stand. 



19 years old

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