Bed of Butterflies

The drops drip,
heavy and smoothly,
from their weighing leaves.
My tongue stretches
to taste it,
so sweet and fresh.
The sky opens
as the clouds move
and the sun shines through.
There's a smell,
like freshly cut grass
that wafts through my lungs.
The dirt sticks
beneath my toes
and it's cool to the touch.
The blue jays sing,
their wings spreading
and taking onto the wind,
ever so gracefully.
Butterflies like lullabies
weave through flowers
and grant them kisses.
A warm light
fills my eyelids
as I close them and sleep.
The wind moves
and it touches my hair
before we part with sighs.
I awake to stars
and the moon is high
as she shines down on me.
In the moonlight,
my hand feels the grass
and it grazes my skin.
The butterflies sleep,
but the crickets sing
and their lullaby lulls me.
I feel light
and a moth flies by my ear,
fluttering into the grass.
I lie down
and rest on soft petals,
a flowerbed made for me.



YWP Alumni

More by Rovva

  • Eleven Years

    For eleven years, I've been a part of the YWP community. I started when I was 11 years old and I went by my old name back then. I used to publish my work here all the time, but much of my publishing has now moved to my university.

  • A Nine-Year Journey

    For nine years, I've been a part of YWP and for nine years, I've felt seen by this community. Even as I've grown up, I've watched new young writers come and share their thoughts, emotions, and stories.
  • Beaming writer

    In sixth grade, our class had a show-and-tell every week,
    and every week, a small handful of students were selected to participate in the next one.
    As I was selected, anxiety kicked in.
    I wasn't really proud of anything.