~The Becoming~ Chapter 7: Close Call

Hey everyone! Here is Chapter 7! I really love this chapter and I really hope you guys do to (:
Get ready for many twists and turns; they are coming up. 

I slowly opened one eye then the other. My head was throbbing and I couldn't see clearly.
I reached my hand up to rub my eyes, but then I realized. My hands were tied behind my back with what seemed like duct tape. It was tied so tight I could barely feel my hands at all. 
Slowly my vision became clearer. I was in the trunk of a van, my hands and legs were tied with duct tape. As was my mouth which made it hard to breathe, but my nose was untouched so I could still breathe, but barely. 
I was facing the back of the trunk but the window was blocked by a curtain. Whoever put me in here didn’t want me to see out and more importantly they didn’t want anyone to see in. They didn’t want anybody to see me. 
I could barely move but as I craned my neck to look behind me, all I saw was the back of seats and a glass separator. 
My memory of how I got there was foggy, but the more I thought about it, I could remember two hooded figures jumping out at me, and one of them saying “We have her.” Something about that voice sounded so familiar but I couldn’t put a finger on it. It was a man’s voice no doubt, but I couldn’t remember much more than that. 
I didn’t dare scream or make any noises for that matter. I didn’t want those two hooded figures to do something even worse to me. I had to get out, but how? My hands and legs were tied and nobody was around to hear me scream. 
But I had to try something. I started trying to tear at the duct tape around my hands. I tried not to move very much incase there were cameras in the van. The thought sent jitters through my body. Slowly, very slowly, the duct tape began to loosen. But it wasn’t loose enough. 
Please, please, please loosen up, please, please, please. I pleaded with the Universe. Then the duct tape began to tear. It was a little bit at first but as I made my numb hands work harder it grew into a big tear until the whole thing ripped. My hands were free. 
Finally! I thought to myself. I ripped the duct tape off my mouth as fast as I could, it stung but it felt good. I could breathe again. I sucked in breaths of air greedily. 
It took more than a few minutes to get the duct tape off my legs, whoever put it on me was very thorough.
Then I was free, well as free as I could be when I was trapped in the back of a van. 
It was a tight space and I didn’t have anywhere to go. Except out. But as I tried to push the back door open I found that it was locked. 
No, no, NO! Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but I held them back. This was not a time to cry. 
Please open, please open, please!
And suddenly the door swung open like magic. I had not time to think, just act. I jumped out of the moving vehicle, thankfully it wasn't going over 30 miles per hour. I rolled out and I could hear a loud crack! Instant pain shot through my leg. I knew something was broken. But I couldn't just lay here in the middle of the road. Even though the pain was excruciating, I made myself stand up and run. I was in a small neighborhood, with large houses that had big green luscious lawns. For some odd reason it felt like I was on the set of a movie. Acutally this felt like a movie. I could see it: Girl gets caugh in a rainstorm; Girl goes into the woods for shelter; Girl gets kidnapped by two hooded figures; Girl wakes up in the back of a van; Girl somehow escapes. How was this my life?
I glaced back at the van. The back was still open and I could see it was a large Ford Transit. I started running the other way right as the van slowed to a stop and started going in reverse right at me. 
I ran into the nearest yard right as the van stopped right where I had been laying. I hid behind some bushes but I could still see the van. The two front doors swung open and the two figures stepped out. They were still wearing hoods and they were still dressed in black. But I could see one was slightly taller than the other and was also slightly heavier. 
They moved in unison to the back on the van. 
"Where did she go?" The heavier one asked in a deep male voice. 
"I don't know," the other one said, his voice was higher than the other's. And again I felt as if I had known that voice from somewhere. 
"Ya were supposed to lock the darn door!" The deep voice said. 
"I swear I did! You were supposed to put the duct tape on her tight enough!" 
"Boss is going to be so darn mad at us if we don't find her. Gosh darn it! Why were we even put with this case?"
"Well come on, we have to find her, she couldn't have gone that far. But make sure you keep your gloves on, wouldn't want her to-you know- use the chip on us."
"Well that's for darn sure." 
I didn't understand what they were talking about. Why would they want me? And what do they mean, use a chip on them? 
I buried deeper into the bush as both of the figures went a different way, searching for me. I saw through the bushes the heavier man was coming toward me. And right when he was not even two feet away from me excruciating pain shot thorugh my leg. I made a small noise, not even very loud, but it was loud enough for the man to hear it. 
"Hey! I think I heard something, get your darnself over here this instant!" He called to the other man. I heard footsteps. I held my breath. 
"Wait. Did ya hear that? I think it's coming from those bushes." No, no, NO! I heard them coming. It was too late, they were going to get me. 
At that moment I wished I was invisible so the couldn't see me. But I knew that I could never be invisible, it just wasn't possible. But that didn't stop me from wishing I was.
I felt a weird prickly feeling wash over my body, at first I thought it was pain, but no it felt...good. It felt like tiny raindrops falling on my skin. 
Then I could see the men, they were right above me. 
"Let's take a looky in here...Come out little girly..." A hand moved away the bushes I was hiding under. A shadow came over me.
I was caught. I closed my eyes waiting, for something anything to happen. 
But nothing did. 
"I don't know what your talking about. There's nothing there!" Wait...What?
"I swear to ya! I heard somethin in there!" 
"Well there's nothing there. Look." Another shadow came over me. 
"Okay whateva." Ring....Ring....Ring... A phone was ringing. 
"Shoot! It's Boss. Come on let's get out of here before someone sees us. We can get her later...Hopefully."
Footsteps. They were gone. They hadn't seen me? But how? I lifted my hand in front of my face. But nothing was there. It was like I didn't have a hand. I looked down at my body. I didn't see anything there either. It was like I wasn't there. But I was. What was going on? 
Slowly I look through the bush and saw the van driving away. That's when I saw it. The lisense plate of the van.
It was the letter's HL.
Just like from the note I had gotton only hours before.
Thanks for reading everyone! If you liked it please leave a comment or a like/love. Thanks again (:




17 years old

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