~The Becoming~ Chapter 5: Are Dreams Just Memory's In Disguise?

Here is Chapter 5! I had such a good time writing this chapter because this is the chapter where I had a good idea about what was happening to Kara, because when I write storys I like to come up with the plot when I'm writing. Hope you guys like it as much as I do! (Also this chapter turned out to be a little shorter than I expected because I wanted to leave off on a good cliff-hanger!) 

I tried to make sense of what I had seen. About how Oliver’s eyes, his ocean blue eyes, had turned red for just a second. I was sure that I had seen it. But the thought that I had had another hallucination crossed my mind once or twice or twenty times.  I was still trying to wrap my head around it when Uncle Tony called me downstairs for dinner. 
He had ordered chinese food  from my favorite restaurant, but I didn’t feel like eating anything. I didn’t tell Uncle Tony that though, he looked so hopeful. I knew my parents' disappearance knocked him off his game too. 
As I silently chewed my food my mind swirled with questions about Oliver, my parents and every weird thing that happened to me today. I thought about telling Uncle Tony about it but what would he say? That I was crazy? Maybe I was. Maybe I was going insane. What if I had imagined Oliver’s eyes turning red? That was a big possibility. But something deep down told me I hadn’t been hallucinating and I hadn’t imagined it.
My eyes drifted to my parents epoty spots. The waves came back, almost washing me away. 
“Has anyone found anything? About my parents?” I asked Uncle Tony, breaking the uneasy silence. 
He stared at me with sad eyes and I felt another pang in my chest. I had never really seen Uncle Tony mad or even sad before and I had never seen his face lacking a giant smile. 
“Oh kid I’m so sorry, this must be the worst birthday ever” he said, not really answering my question, which was an answer enough. They hadn’t found any leads and they weren’t any closer to finding them. 
“Yeah,” I said, not trying to hide how crappy I was feeling. We lapsed into cool silence, the only sound was our forks sliding against our plates. 
After my stomach was full, my heart still felt empty. I wasn’t used to this kind of pain. I hated it. I excused myself from the table with a small smile to Uncle Tony. He was trying his best and I was grateful, I really was but I couldn’t be happy without my parents. 
It was only 8 but I was exhausted. I got into my pajamas and climbed into bed. I waited for the tears that didn’t come but the sleep that did.
"Come on Steven! It's not going to do her any harm, my co-workers and I have put so much time and research into this!" I heard my mom's voice, but I couldn't see her.
I was in a dark room, the only light coming from a big window where moonlight seeped into the room. I saw an outline of a crib and a dresser but there was nothing else in the room. The room seemed familer to me but I couldn't place where it was. 
"We don't know what this could do to her!" My father's voice, I could tell he was upset. "What about the side effects?" 
"Oh please, we have been working on this chip for years. There are no side effects, and it won't cause her any harm." My parents' voices sounded younger somehow. They were arguing over something, I just didn't know what. 
My parents weren't big on arguing and it was rare to hear them mad. 
"Please Mikayla, we need to be sure. I trust you, but it's literally an experiment we don't know what will happen." 
"Steven," my mom's voice was softer, but also urgent like she needed my dad to believe her. "Please, I've spent my whole career making this chip. Nothing bad will happen to our baby, I swear it." My mom was always good at persuading my dad to do something.
"Okay fine, but if anything happens to her, anything you will never hear the end of it," my dad was giving in. 
"I promise nothing bad will happen to her. I promise" 
I'm was drenched in sweat when I woke up in the morning. 
It was just a dream, I told myself. 
Nothing more. 
Nothing less. 
Just a dream. 
But what I didn't consider at the time, was that it might not have been a dream at all. That maybe it had been a memory. 
And my parents could have been talking about me.

Thank you soooo much for reading! Shout out to the readers who sent me messages about how much they love my story, I'm so grateful you all like it. Leave a comment or a like/love, if you liked my story! 



17 years old

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