~The Becoming~ Chapter 2: The Bus

Thanks for reading and if you want to understand Chapter 2, be sure to read Chapter 1. Now on with the show, or should I say story haha. 

It was official the next morning. 

"Mikayla and Steven Smith went missing yesterday at around 3 O'clock last night. Their family is very worried and if you have any information please contact the police immediately."  The blonde news reporter chirped.  A picture of them was shown on the screen, both of them at our annual family picnic, smiling big for the camera, the sun shining in the background.
Tears clouded my vision as I remembered I was the one who took that picture last summer. We were all so happy, so whole. Now we were broken. 
I didn't understand. Why would they just disappear? Why would they leave me? For no reason whatsoever.
It left me wondering if I had done something wrong. But I knew I didn't do anything wrong. My last words to them were literally "I love you! Have a good day!" How could those words just make them just disappear?
I closed my laptop, my eyes ringing and tears threatening to fall. 
Knock, knock, knock.
"Kara? You up?" Uncle Tony called from outside my bedroom door. 
"Yeah," I called groggily, making no move to get up. I assumed he would leave me alone in my sadness, but he opened the door. He was wearing a birthday hat and a pin that read 'it's my niece's birthday!' He was so cheesy I couldn't help but smile. 
"Happy birthday!" He said as he sat on the edge of my bed. I sat up. 
"Thanks," I said, but I wasn't feeling it. I mean my parents were missing. Could I really be happy on my birthday without the people who literally made me?
He seemed to sense my distress. He scooched closer. 
"Where are they?" My voice was a little more than a whisper. I needed to hear him say it. It needed to feel real, because right now it just felt like one big dream. 
His eyes looked anywhere but mine. 
"I don't know," he said. I was grateful he didn't try to sugar-coat it. But now it felt real. The tears came and I couldn't stop them. 
"Oh Kara," he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sure they are okay, and all my buddies are out there looking for them. We will find them. We will." He said the last words so quietly I had to strain my ears to hear him. 
He let me cry as long as I needed to.
I loved Uncle Tony. But I didn't love his cooking. He insisted he make me a proper birthday breakfast, but I was far from hungry. But he seemed so hopeful I couldn't say no. So I didn't. 
Now we were stuck eating burned bacon, mushy eggs and chocolate or blueberry pancakes. I couldn't tell because they were charred so badly they were almost black. 
There were presents on the table, probably from my mom and dad that Uncle Tony set out. But I couldn't open them without mom and dad. Uncle Tony didn't question it. 
I forced down a few bites, but I couldn't stomach anymore. 
"Thanks Uncle Tony, but I'm not very hungry because...yeah." He seemed to understand. 
"It's okay Kar," he said as he shoveled eggs into his mouth. 
"I'm going to get ready for school." I said as I got up from the table. He stopped eating and looked up at me. 
"Are you sure you want to go Kar?" He was giving me the day off. I would usually take this in a heartbeat. But for some reason I wanted some sense of normalcy. And the only thing really normal about my life right now was school. 
"Yeah I'm sure, I think it would be a good idea, to get my mind off of stuff," I answered him as I made my way to my bedroom. 
"Okay whatever you say B Day Girl." He said with a smile and he shoveled more eggs into his mouth. 
I got up into my room and grabbed my favorite shirt and jeans out of my drawer. I put them on feeling hollow inside. 
I didn't want to look hollow on the outside though. I applied mascara and some lip gloss but I ended up wiping it off. It didn't feel right for some reason, though I didn't know why. 
But I needed to brush my hair. I sank down onto the ground and remembered I had left it in the bathroom from yesterday. I was feeling so tired. 
As I got up to get it I noticed the familiar shade of green on my dresser. Strange I could've sworn I had left it in the bathroom. 
It didn't matter to me at the time. 
It should have. 
On my walk to the bus stop I checked my phone messages. There was a text from Oliver from yesterday asking how I was and two from today. One saying happy birthday and the other saying he saw the news report about my parents and he asked if I was doing okay. 
I was so grateful to have a caring boyfriend. Mom was always so proud of me, she had thought all the boys my age were immature when it came to girls. Oliver was different. 
I shot off a few texts saying I was almost at the bus stop and if we could meet at my locker. 
When I got to the bus stop the bus was already driving away. I was late? I was never usually late. I was so annoyed, everything was going wrong. My parents were missing and now I missed the stupid bus.
I tried to run after the bus like they do in movies. I was yelling for it to stop. 
Then something weird happened. The bus moved back. To where I was frantically chasing it. 
The driver must have seen me or something, I had thought to myself. 
I didn't notice how when it moved back, the wheels hadn't been turning. 
I didn't notice the bus had been an inch off of the ground as it moved backward. 
I didn't notice the driver's crazed expression as I boarded the bus. 
Though I should have. 

Thanks for reading and if you liked it and want Chapter 3 leave a comment or a like/love!!! 



17 years old

More by Penelope