Beauty is a record

I believe that beauty is a record. 
It continues on and on, 
sometimes running into scratches that mess up the beauty of it as a whole,
the scratches that force the song to become distorted. 
Although these records have bumps and scratches,
they remain beautiful.
Every record sings a different song,
tells a different story. 
There is so much variety when picking the music you enjoy.
There's joy and sadness,
anger and despair,
confusion and heartbreak,
yet they are all beautiful. 
Some records hold secret meanings behind their lyrics,
hoping the listener catches on.
Some records spell it out so easily,
the listener understands almost immediately. 
I believe that beauty is a record.
and I believe that record is my life. 




14 years old

More by amimi

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  • anticipation

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  • To my sister

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    she is impeccable.

    she is the most generous, selfless, kind woman i have ever met

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