Autumn Villanelle

When the small breeze blew, leaves were shaken down.
Red, yellow, orange, to the ground they fell,
Sparkling in sunlight before turning brown.

There were many trees seen throughout the town.
Kids would run and play, caught by the tree’s spell.
When the small breeze blew, leaves were shaken down.

And as the leaves would spiral all around,
They carried a secret that one couldn’t tell.
Sparkling in sunlight before turning brown.

When the townspeople walked you would hear a sound,
The crunching of leaves, on the ground where they dwell.
When the small breeze blew, leaves were shaken down.

The beautiful trees stood wearing a crown,
The majestic season, one could not sell.
When the small breeze blew, leaves were shaken down.
Sparkling in sunlight before turning brown.



YWP Alumni

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