Autumn Arriving

Autumn! She's here at last, sweeping about the earth in a whirlwind of color.
Now turn the days to cool, and the nights to cold!

At long last, the harvest is here,
bringing squash, apples, carrots, sweet potato, figs, beans, and cranberries.

Fall brings with her the end of summer, of beaches and bathing suits,
and ushers in forest hikes and sweaters.

Autumn calls the spirits to our world,
offering them one night to sow chaos.

Now the faltering sun leads our winged friends into the air,
to seek warmer lands and reliable food.

Soon the earth is laid to rest,
bidding farewell to all her children.

Hades calls his wife down,
she bids goodbye, angry and mournful.

Soon the land will fill with silence,
the trees hang barren and still.
But that is a poem for another day.

Posted in response to the challenge Autumn '24: Writing.



14 years old

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