Animal Ailments

An alternative alphabet poem addressing animal ailments
Bears bearing boils but belabored by bronchitis, burn up
Caribou counting coughs who caught common cold
Down dogs don depression, dimples drooping with doubt
Earaches emanated from epileptic episodes exasperate emus
Fetal fertility frightens feverish feathered flamingos
Goofy geese gone to gorge on groupers get gout
Hog heads hurt, hats heavy with head lice
Insomniac iguanas ignore irritable ideas 
Killer kidney stones kick keeled over koalas
Laryngitis lulls limericks lilting limply from lemur lips
Measles and mumps muddy mongoose's memories
Narwhals nudge noggins, inventing nosebleeds
Obsessive orangutans observe overactive otters
Pleurisy plus parkinson's pain panicking penguins
Rosy-red rhinos run rashes from rosacea
Sunburnt slithering snakes shake, spines skewed sideways showing spondylolisthesis
Toothaches topped with tonsillitis taste tacky to tingling tamarind tongues
Urticaria urge uncomfortable unau underground
Voles vomiting from vertigo victimized by venoms
Xenops with xeroderma exude xenophobia
Yersiniosis yank yellow yaks
Zoogenic zika zaps zany zebras



19 years old

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