Analogies for a Warm Hug

The pinballs shoots down the stairs

Flashing an aware smile

Her brown curls dance around her face. 

Like ballerinas on a stage

Like springs bouncing up and down

Or a coaster going around

The pinball curves around the sides, dodges the exit

And doesn’t let her built up energy break a lamp

The pinball turns into a race car and races down the hallway, going at top speed,

Running at 100 mph past dogs and doors and drawers without much worry

But soon, the race car makes a crash into a tall airbag

And the airbag collapses on top of the racing car

The airbag wraps around the race car as the engine slows down

And the race car’s speed drops down, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

The airbag picks up the race car, like a little girl and her Barbie

Playing together like the essence of childhood from long ago

And the little girl’s hands wrap around her Barbie’s waist, picking her up from her pool into her bedroom

Her smile is as big as a circus clown, but instead filed with love and softness

And with that smile the little girl and her Barbie disappear instead

Into a cloud of smoke they disappear into reality, and now they are standing in the kitchen 

As it’s just a little girl and her big cousin,

Standing there near the table were they share memories

Who lives far away in the big city of L.A

Where big Hollywood stars are born and raised just like her 

While her little cousin lives in the small city of Pittsburg

With just football, baseball, and hockey teams to carry the city on

No true analogy could be used to describe,

The love of a little girl and her big cousin. 

Or of a sixth grader, and her little cousin.

Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Spring '24: Writing Contest.



13 years old

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