
I looked at my phone, and a wave of shear and utter panic swept through me.
It made me jump a little.
I saw that hundreds of random people were sending me texts, people I hadn't spoken to in years, my close friends, and -this really freaked me out- people I had never heard of. One in particular caught my eye.


The alert had said to lock the doors and windows, but I just stared, transfixed. deciding it wouldn't be a good idea to reply, I threw my phone down and shot up, out of bead. What I saw outsdie my window took my breath away. Thousands of army tanks were plowing through the houses surrounding mine, firing like maniacs. I squinted, They were all slightly different, like all the worlds' armies had been stolen and put together.
"All the world's armies have been stolen." said a voice.
I screamed so loudly I coud've sworn I heard the voice cringe. "Walk outside and stand in front of the door with your hands up." continued the voice. I was scared. So scared, I wasn't thinking straight, and did what the voice said. I could feel thousands of millions of feat moving with me, but that didn't make me any stronger. as I opened my door, I heard a wimpering. Turning, I saw my dog, Lydia, paawing against the gait in the kitchen
"Five, four, three-"
"NO!" I screamed, and dashed back into the house.
"Two, One,"
Everything went black.



18 years old

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