
One day I will be old

As I grow my skin will crease and stretch until you can no longer tell it was ever smooth

Freckles will engulf my skin

Years of too much time in the sun leaving my face covered in constellations yet to be connected

My body will sag in all the right places showing the ages of love I will have received

One day I will be old

The creases around my eyes and mouth will grow bigger and bigger from so much joy and laughter

My mind will be stuffed with enough memories to fill the universe

Wise, perhaps not beyond but certainly equal to my years

My hands calloused and wrinkled from holding so tightly to the people I love

My voice rough like gravel, years of song wearing my vocal chords to nothing

One day I will be old

My heart will be fixed to burst

The adoration of the ones I loved before will fill me with too much joy to stand

My feet will be worn and tired from the adventures I will have gone on

Lips chapped and cracked, years of kisses planted onto me from lovers and friends alike

Hair like straw from ages of dying, cutting, brushing, braiding

Buns to keep the hair from my face as I fly through life far too fast

To keep the hair from my face as I take my time to reminisce on the things I regret rushing through

I can’t wait to be old



18 years old