Aerin's Adventure first part of Chapter 2!

             Hello! It's TheSilentPoet here! EpicElle and I have been collaborating on a story together as you probably know! anyways, here's a bit from Chapter 2:
UGH! That stupid Aerin! I can’t believe that she got to be a Traveling Merchant! Exploring the other Tribes lands with permission… and I have to be a Bounty Hunter! I saw that smug look on her face. Ugh. I mean, I thought I would be a Traveling Merchant because I had top marks in Persuasion, Marketing, Bartering, and Language. (for a bonus, I was nicknamed “the beautiful moonlight”, and pretty people get more customers!) So not fair. As I am packing for 5 moon-cycles, I find my old telescope, which can let you see as far as any of the edges of the island. I point it towards Leaf forest, hoping to see something bad happening to Aerin. I see Aerin fly out of the clearing of trees with her new Flightfeather. The Flightfeather’s side bags hang heavy with the trading goods. Her mother must be out of the stump as well, it is customary… No. I am a Bounty-hunter. Not a Thief. Speaking of which, I should probably go see what Thieves are posted our Tribe’s News-Board. I’ll travel to the Centerland Bounty-Board once I have tried all the marked Thieves on our News-board. Wow! Only three Bandits!? That’s awesome! Now, who are they?  Chima Schorch- Fire Tribe, Reward 400 silver, Scorpian Golrien- Rouge, Reward 20 gold Threshlin Nollan- Night Tribe, Reward 500 gold. Wait, Night Tribe? How did a Night elf get over here? We destroyed the land bridge that connected their Island to the Main Island long ago, in the Rebellion! It killed off the Wind Elves, but it was for the greater good. Maybe she swam in the shallow water where the land bridge used to be. No, the underwater volcanoes would blast her to bits. I guess I’ll just have to capture her to figure out how she came over.  I grab the poster about Threshlin and stuff it in my pocket. That way, no other Bounty-Hunters will see it. 500 Gold. Wow! They really want her gone! 500 gold could buy me a Cubrillian! (an almost extinct species that everyone wants as a pet) But anyway, first I gotta get the Elf with the 500 gold bounty. So let’s go explore the woods. And streams, and track stuff. And get my hair all tangled up in thorns and stuff cause we can’t bring hairbrushes. Yay.
“Huff, huff, huff,” Oh geez, the undergrowth here is way thicker than on Night Island. I’ve been on the ‘Main’ Island for at least a year now, but a couple of days ago, an Elf from the Grass Tribe spotted me, and the Tribes had a giant ‘over 13’ meeting in the Central Land. nobody but the bounty-hunters will know my bounty though. I managed to sneak into Fire Tribe’s Village that night and saw my bounty on the News-Board. 500 Gold! Wow. that’s a lot of money. My way out of the village wasn’t as flattering or easy as my way in though, I stood for too long at the board, and an early rising Fire Elf saw me. So now I am being chased by two novice Bounty-Hunters. I really need to stop breathing so loudly. Crap! Where did Nightshade go? If the bounty hunters find her, she’ll be dead in no time, she’s just a baby dragon! I gotta lose these guys!
“Rubin!” one of them says.
“What?” the other one, Rubin, says.
“I hear it over here!”
“Well, I just found a baby dragon! We can make WAY more money than 500 gold by selling this dragon!” There’s a little rustling, and then it stops.
“Nah, it’s too weak. We should kill it and sell the meat!”
“No!” I can’t stop myself. Nightshade has been keeping me company (not to mention keeping me fed when I can’t find anything) while I’ve been here! No elf would, and I can’t trust the animals here since they could be spies! They can’t kill her! I climb up into the tree right next to me, then hide while the bounty hunters, I would say about 14 years old, barrel through the underbrush to where I was before. No! I jump on the trees until I’m on a branch right above them. I open a Night bomb, and dark purple fog pours out from the gourd-shaped object.
“I can’t see anything!” says Rubin. “Where are you, Tobin?”  
“Guard the Dragon!” Too late, boys! I dropped down when you two got all confused! It seems the Night Smoke got to their heads, they fell asleep! Hmm… I’ll make them pay somehow, how about when they wake up, one of them will be dead? Nah, that’s too cold-blooded, and if somehow I can get the elves to trust me, finding out I killed one of them would not be good. I know! I’ll steal their bow and arrows! Simple, easy, and beneficial for me!



16 years old

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