The three poems written on the page are Golden Inspiration, Grounding Roots, and Appreciating Where Flowers Will Emerge. I wrote them all, and you can view them on my account page(if you want).
The three poems written on the page are Golden Inspiration, Grounding Roots, and Appreciating Where Flowers Will Emerge. I wrote them all, and you can view them on my account page(if you want).
Poetry has a silent power
In the way that poets
don’t need words to communicate
With one another;
We simply see a wildflower
I’d like a palmful of metaphors,
Ones to use every time
I put a pen to a page,
To plant in my heart
And become submerged in my hope,
I would like to hope
That before there was a sky
Bleeding stars,
Before there were planets
Polluted with creation,
That there was still the beating heart
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