Tiny Writes
I have a passion for music and that’s part of why I joined YWP. I want to learn how to write music lyrics so I can start making music. I currently use dj software to make mashups ( I’m pretty new so they aren’t always the best). Any ideas on how to start with good lyrics?
I sing my own made-up songs sometimes while biking/showering/walking to school, and while they aren't great, they make me feel good and I get bursts of dopamine when good lyrics seemingly pop out of nowhere. I recommend just starting to sing a little, about literally anything, and then trying to add on to whatever you've made. Good luck!!
Also, things really don't have to rhyme. Or, you can make them ryme too. In a flaming lips song, Wayne rhymed "orange" with "store". (HOW). So, just saying, rhymes really don't have to be perfect.
I've started song lyrics as poems or stanza's and than challenge myself to add melodies to them and build them out from there. A lot of writing music lyrics may just be experimenting, seeing what works and writing from your heart!
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