I'm From

Weekly Challenges

City street

I'm From


Identity is a huge part of our lives, because it makes up everything about who we are and how we move about the world. And part of our identity is where we are from. This could be literal, like your city or state, or some small moments that shaped who you are, or something no one else would care about but means a lot to you.

Where are you from, and what makes up your identity and your life? Tell us who you are. Start almost every line with "I'm from."

[From YWP's Create a Challenge prompt by Lights-camera-action, YWP; Photo by ben o'bro on Unsplash]


  • I’m From

    I’m from a place of heritage 

    Nationalities blending in the air

    I’m from a place of buildings 

    Reaching towards the sun

    I’m from a place of rain

    Where the sun is a legendary occurrence

  • I'm From the Land of Smiles

    I'm from the Land of Smiles, the beautiful country with temples and palaces where monks and royalty live. I'm from a mind of great creativity and words, and a mind of artistry and language. I'm from a household of hurt and love-filled words.

  • Who Am I?

    Who am I? 

    Am I Californian or Indian? 

    I'm from California, but I also come from Indian descent. 

    When I choose one over the other, it feels I'm downplaying how important the other is to me.