Weekly Challenges

“If only…” What is the “if” that keeps you, or a character, up at night? Take the phrase wherever it leads you, through self-reflection, poetry, or prose. [Photo by Elizabeth Lies on Unsplash]
Weekly Challenges
“If only…” What is the “if” that keeps you, or a character, up at night? Take the phrase wherever it leads you, through self-reflection, poetry, or prose. [Photo by Elizabeth Lies on Unsplash]
If only I’d never met you
If only I had been stronger
If only I had seen sooner
Just how abusive you are
If only I hadn’t let you
Turn my life to ruin
If only I hadn’t tried
If I had nine lives, I would spend the first one jumping from a tall mountain, the wind in my hair, and filling my lungs, the full feeling of freedom. After that, maybe I'd find peace and wouldn’t fear the mountains.
If only I had that strength then things would have been different.
We would still share a home,
Memories that we once shared
With laughter and love