


19 years old


  • Weeping Fig

    Some days I think I'm roses
    Even occasionally a dandelion
    And I ingest the same miracle-gro as the other flowers
    Sip the same running-the-mill water too
  • Forgotten

    Our paths were set eons ago
    By strange
    Sadistic gods
    And every time we get reborn
    We meet
    Against the odds
    And every time we meet we end up kissing by the water
    Doesn't matter if you're a prince and I'm merely a potter
  • Taste

    If you could eat something inedible, like an object or a memory or a feeling, what would it taste like?
  • Jazz

    I love you like my mother loves jazz
    Like how my father loves a sweet low silence
    How grandmother loves an empty house
    How grandfather feels at home in clutter
    I love you like my sister loves to bury herself in books
  • My bucket

    Before, I'd scream that I was swell
    Or blue, depressed or ill
    But now my answers' sharp and honed
    My bucket shalt not spill
    And when you shake and slap me
    If I'm knocked upside the head
    The liquid stays inside the bucket
  • I have never known

    I have never known
    The taste of your lips
    The curve of your jawline or swing of your hips
    I've fallen in love
    With the thinks of your thoughts
    The sounds of your listens
    The brings of your broughts