


19 years old


  • Plenty of fish in the sea

    I am not another fish
    I am not here to bite your hook or to be pulled onto your boat
    I'm not here to dangle from your hand like a prize in photos
    To lie next to beer cans and big trucks and trophies and other fish
  • The carnivorous castle

    The castle was hungry
    Yes, wine was spilled down grates and crumbs fell behind walls and sometimes mice rotted beneath floorboards
    But that wasn't enough because
    The castle was hungry
    Every day there was more decadence
  • Orange Juice

    First, the oranges are plucked from trees
    And break off green stems, spraying blossom mist
    You cannot hear their flesh strain as they're torn from their home branches
    You do not see them crying
    Crying zesty tears
  • The bed that wanted to rot

    There was once a bed that wanted to rot
    The poofed pillows and slathering of silk bedsheets and furniture polish that was lovingly applied
    Only made the bed itchy and lonesome
    For this bed wanted to rot

  • Things I wish people said to me

    Rise like the sun
    When they have driven you back and forced you to your knees 
    Rise like the sun
    For the sun always rises no matter the march of night and it has to rise
    So you have no choice but to rise like the sun