In the late evenings,
in a pool of fire-
there lies a liar.
Living on this land,
all they cared about-
was the pitiful sand.
They ignore the flames,
and point fingers-
to find who's to blame. -
Forever Winter
When the sun looks down at the land,
The winter snow takes a stand.
Without a word, the world stills.
Refusing to melt into nothing,
The snow ignores the sun’s far from loving-
brimmingly brutal, burning, stare. -
I'd Give you the Moon
If I could, I would give you the moon.
in hopes you wouldn't leave me so soon.
I would gift you what most chase,
and keep it forever in your grace.
When night falls, I'll gift you the stars,
and I'll call the night sky ours. -
The Season of Ice
As a child, I would watch the snow melt-
and no matter how I felt-
I knew all good things must come to an end.
Winter was my favorite seaon,
snow gently falling onto my face,
like cold, tiny kisses from the sky. -
There is no cloud in sight,
to block out the setting suns light.
The suns rays reflect off of the snow.
Lighting up the wintery sand.
Silence fills the air, but there's no doe-
in sight, on this sun kissed land.
The Wood Nymphs
When the sun sets,
And the moon is high in the sky,
The naiads swim to the surface-
of their watery home.
The moon's pale light reflects-
off of the sea of stone,
They look out past their home.
Whispers of Change
In autumn's gentle sigh, leaves cascade,
A tapestry of gold and red, nature's parade.
The air grows crisp, with whispers of change,
As life retreats, in colors so strange.
With out the you
I am who I am
But how much of who I am
Was made by you
Was it the way I fear the dark
I find beauty in the dark
Was it the way I fear change
I find growth in learning
The four seasons
It's fall again,
The most beautiful season of all.