


17 years old


  • Nothing

    Ideas my brain is drained of
    Drowning me in senseless oblivion
    The backspace key
    Now a best friend
    Helping erase the words
    That don’t make sense
    Have no feeling
    Mean nothing at all
  • Car Party

    During these times of trial, it is important for people to be there for each other. Just the other day my neighborhood got together to celebrate a kid’s birthday on our block. Because of social distancing the boy was unable to have a birthday party.
  • My Writing Materials

    When I write
    The materials I use
    Are a part of me

    My brain acts as paper
    Documenting all I have to say
    Keeping it safely tucked away
    Far from criticism 
    Or ridicule
    Where I can come back
  • Strange Feeling

    One minute 
    Strong assuring arms wrap around my little body
    Encasing me in a protective layer
    Between me and the pool floor below
    Slowly the embrace weakens
    My bathing suit now rests