


15 years old


  • Rush part 3

    Ariel had planned everything perfectly. She managed to duck out of the building after stealing the security keys from a guard and hiding in a dumpster for a few minutes before running on the highway to a gas station. 
  • Rush Part 2

    “Mars! Did you eat my potato chips!?”
    Mars looked up from his computer. 
    “I swear you are SO annoying!”
    “Sorry, Sarah. First come…” He smirked
    Sarah threw the empty bag at Mars in retaliation.
  • Rush Part 1

    Ariel ran as fast as she could. They were gaining on her, and so was her guilty conscience. Adrenaline was fueling her legs to continue. Amazed at her speed, Ariel kept on.
    “Ariel! Ariel!” They shouted. “Wake up!”

    You ask me 

    "where has our sweet little girl gone? why are you so tired and vile? why must you be different?"

    I will tell you where she went

    She went to camp

    with all the other kids her age
  • You

    Since you happened so many things have changed.

    I do right and make right where I see wrong.

    I learned to love others,

    But to also love myself.

  • foggy dress

    her red hair whipping around as she holds her skirt off of the ground to run. her grey, layered dress moving left and right as each leg extends. her  blue eyes scream betrayal as makeup drips down her porcelain face.