


15 years old


  • This Is Your Life Now

    Light sobbing in the bathroom stall
    Aren't we all crying a bit on the inside?
    Report cards are passed out, the same pleas and worried voices,
    "Can you make my B+ an A?" 
    "My parents are gonna be so mad ..."
  • the first house

    i've lived in many houses

    but none are like the house i grew up in

    my memories scattered and returning in fragemented dreams

    but one factor remains the same

    the house smells like fresh laundry
  • invisible boy

    i wonder why no one can see me

    hear me

    or touch me

    the walk through me

    i am invisible

    they cannot hear my screams

    my mother can not feel comforted by me

    when i tell her i'm still here
  • Kingdom Come

    In a land concealed to the human eye, a world of magic awaits. Mages of Space, Life, and Time live united under the rule of their liege; Mage Hilda. No one has ever seen Mage Hilda, yet they believe in the good they have brought to the civilization.