Summit House-WCS

Summit House-WCS


YWP Instructor


  • A Cup of Tea

    Pale snow descends from grayscale skies, draping the floor below in a thick sheet of white. Outside lies bare and untouched by any marks or signs of tamper.
  • Cold is Better

    Hot or Cold

    Honestly I like cold better,

    It allows you to snuggle up in blankets, watching movies all day(on the weekends)

    Cold means snow, snowmen, and snow forts.

    Cold means winter wonderlands, trees covered in snow.
  • The Last Place to Be

    Boogie Woogie Village is a small town on the coast of Dance Dance Island, the world's largest land mass dedicated to parties. But there are two bad things about Boogie Woogie Village, one, it is devoid of sleep.