


14 years old


  • Blackberries

    When you look at me like that I feel dumb –
    pretending you didn't make me weak in the knees.
    Pretending I didn't feel them, the zaps of electricity 
    crackling in your laugh.
    Pretending I was ever immune
    to you.
  • i might cry

    It'll be hard to write this poem because
    I might cry
    when the words become jumbled memories
    nostalgia pouring out of the depths of my mind and unfolding on a blinding-white computer screen
  • ... And Now It Is May Again

    I was in the car, riding shotgun
    listening to a song that sounded like summer
    like tires rolling over hot asphalt
    like mud stuck to the bottom of a murky pond
    like a brain freeze from the coveted chill of ice cream
  • I drowned in compliance

    I drowned in compliance
    like I'd drown in an oversized sweater
    let it envelop me
    until all I could see were the rolling waves of
    tossing me out to sea, unforgiving

  • drowning

    the cool water laps over my arms, my legs
    spills into my eyes
    the sun is shining just above the surface in its brilliant radiance
    but i'm underneath, waves tugging me away
    and i almost forget i'm drowing