


18 years old


  • Loving Yourself

    Loving yourself is probably 

    the most difficult thing to achieve.

    People are constantly putting us down, 

    talking behind our backs,

    laughing at our "flaws"

    and those messages become our thoughts.
  • trying to enjoy

    It feels like the flowers just came out, 
    like the snow just melted,
    and the ice crystals disappeared from trees' branches, 
    like the mud just came, 
    but yet, 
    it's all gone already. 
  • You are perfect

    If I could leave behind advice
    in a book 
    for some lucky (or maybe unlucky)
    kid to find, 
    I would tell them 
    be yourself,
    but try not to stick out too much.

    Be nice, 
  • Gone?

    The water slides gently over my exposed feet.
    Sand tumbles in it's wake, 
    until all I can see is a cloud of brown,
    my feet all but gone. 

    But the water retracts, and my feet appear again, 
  • Blind

    Pandemonium breaks as the ringmaster
    enters the stage.
    Dressed in red and black,
    he lookes like something straight out of 
    Alice in Wonderland. 
    Lights flicker on,
    Illuminating the stage
  • Once Upon a Time

    Black Cat slinking in the shadows.

    Pollen dripping from lush lotus flowers.

    Dappled sunlight shining through gloomy clouds,

    Dawn long gone.

    Lost in an endless corn maze, 

    no hope of getting out.