Scarry Night

Scarry Night


16 years old


  • A Simple Dream

    In my mind,

    I can think of a dream.

    A simple dream.

    A dream that can grow,

    a dream that can die,

    a dream that can start a blazing fire inside of you,

    causing millions of new flames to light.
  • When the Sun Shines In

    "Why, oh, why, does the sun shine in on such a rainy day?"

    "Perhaps it wants to wash out your thoughts and make the sad ones float away."

    "But why, oh, why, does it want to help me through all this sorrow, all this loss?"
  • Our World

    Our world.

    It provides safety.

    It provides a home. 

    We think we can do whatever we want to it,

    but doing so will leave our world with nothing left to own.

    No life,

    no happiness,
  • The Dragon

    Your wings are like feathers,

    effortlessly floating this way and that, 

    creating a strong wind that no one can fight.

    Your eyes are like crystal balls,
  • My Reason

    People make mistakes.

    Sometimes it's hard to forgive them.

    Sometimes, you just want to build a barrier between you and them and ignore their words for the rest of your life,

    but what if that's not right?