


16 years old


  • Ingredients of Happiness

    The strum of an accoustic guitar
    The taste of a sweet lemon
    The smell of gingerbread coming out of the oven
    The splash of water
    The smell of chlorine
    The warmth of a motherly hug
    The summer rain smell
    Barefoot weather
  • Popcorn

    Momma takes out the big blue pot
    That lots of tiring, long days bought.
    She fills it to the brim with seeds
    And other things that popcorn needs.
    She genty places it on the burner
    While hungry tummies rumble in the corner.
  • You Two

    You make it seem easy.
    You're so cocky and you flip your hair so "perfectly"
    It's annoying.
    This is not specifically to you,
    It's to all the people who are like this.
    You laugh at others who make a mistake,
  • April

    The sun rose on the first day of April
    And I thought about black clouds and rainy days.
    On the first of April
    I remembered the last first of April
    And how I hated it. 
    My first words on the first day of April were