Velvet slips around my fingers
as hard to catch
as a shimmering snake.
Velvet tastes silky on my tongue
with just the right touch of
Velvet has a certain touch -
Charleston I
Perfect Love
To love someone
Do they have to be perfect?
Must they have every single
Lip gloss smear just so
On their lips quirked up in that perfect flirty smile?
And try to look cool -
I wrote this because we might be moving next summer.
The white paint
Still shines brightly and
If anyone dared to paint it another color
I wouldn't recognize it.
All of the rooms are as familiar as -
A dream a thousand stars old
The wet juice
From the strawberry
Dripped down her chin
A small piece of happiness, but
All the same
Is the joy of living. -
An Almost Nonsensical Poem
What is pain?
Is it a tiger's claw?
If so
How is it different
Than a tiger's paw?
What is hurt?
Is it an icy knife?
If so
Why do you feel it
In times of strife?
What are words?
Nothing, nothing
Words are