Unhappy Customer
This is a poem I wrote with my sister, dogpoet. We like to write together line by line so that the idea is kind of both of ours.
Satiny fabric that swooshes like constantly rushing
Water -
The year I left school in March
I remember people hugged me
And I thought that was the weirdest thing
Weren't we supposed to be six feet apart?
I'm by myself every day -
Just Do It
Just start writing,
I think,
Staring around and wondering if there's anything to do.
Words fall out of my mouth like crumbs
From a chocolate, crispy pie
But letters don't stick on the page like I want them to -
I Waited For Something
It's like the world was made to push me down
It's like it wants to test me
I've tried to push back against it
But weight will always win against hope -
Orange Splotches
Orange splotches of
Careless knitting
Sitting on
The kitchen counter
Loose stitches
Falling off
Sprawling onto the floor
Orange splotches of
Extravegant fibers
Of laughable dreams
And scenic routes