hopefully the rain washes away the names
because almost everything changed
it shouldn't be
it should be
the rain washes away the names
some names stay there
summer '24
summer '24 is when i cut off all my hair
and thats why you didn't notice me
summer '24 is when i went to music camp
and had the best time of my life
summer '24 is when i had that big argument with you
i'm not grumpy
i'm always happy
you say i seem grumpy on bad days
and thats why its called a bad day.
its always me
and never you
why is it always my fault but never yours?
Tell me about your dreams
tell me about your dreams
about twisted trees
and falling tea leaves
tell me about how your dreams help you cope with grief
it doesn't have to be brief
a deep brown
my eyes are a deep brown.
not icy blue.
or emerald green.
my eyes won't be stared at
or drowned it
or complimented
they aren't noticed in a big crowd
but maybe they're noticed in a small one.
when he smiles (unrequited)
when he smiled
oh the way my heart danced
and when he laughed
oh the way i stop and stare
and when he cried
i knew something was off
the way he cared
made me love him even more
Funny Haiku
Nature loves me
I love nature too except
When I step in poo
I Choose Today
Heaven is a state of mind where all of your fantasies are actualized.
Tithings For Retirement (Pt 1): The Emotional Guide to This Teenage Anarchist in 10 Revolutions
Revolution One:
Fear is a tip-of-the-tongue sensation-
“What-ifs” so broad you can taste them
but never fully articulate them.
Brownie girl
I made brownies and carefully placed choco chips on the top,
I carved your name in the raw top,
maybe I can grant your wish and be yours,
perhaps I can wish you over with sweets.
Growing up, music was always a constant.
Then, it meant very little to me.
It was only background noise, but always there.