


18 years old


  • From The World

    Dear You, 

    Words can not describe a illness
    Neither can a person
    It’s not something wrong with them
    The thoughts or actions they make
    Are obstacles in their life. 
    An evil thought-
    Is the evil of the past
  • Average Girl

    I'm not that average girl
    I'm not the girl you met next door
    All I Need is me
    I don't need you or anyone
    So you can sit there and stare 
    But I'm staying right here
    So you can find a city pretty girl
  • I Am The Writer

    Im the one you may
    but not hear 
    I write words for others to feel
    to reach down from the bottom of a pit
    and find meaning
    to change
    To look at a word that means nothing 
    and give it life
    thats me
  • Tide

    The Tide may rise
    waves may flow
    my heart shatters
    in one suddle blow
    Wind sturdy and strong
    Soul hard as stone
    Which no one can penetrate 
    the one they love 
    or the one they did love.
  • The Theatre Kid

    Im that theatre kid
    the acting one
    who sings and dances
    laughs with the 6th grade ensemble 
    the 7th grade leads
    the choreographers
    when I walk up those stairs
    center of down stage
    lights off