


YWP Alumni


  • Definition

    what is the definition of happiness?

    is it that warm feeling you get in
    your chest, like one little pinch
    could shatter it?

    is is the two fingers pulling at the sides
    of your mouth, so that your lips
  • Planted

    I can’t breathe
    When the open air has been compressed
    And stuffed inside the rigid frame
    Of my house

    And every day
    The words forming under my tongue
    Are pulled out
    And thrown at the wall
  • Dust

    I miss scurrying from chemistry class to history class
    Hoping to make it there before the bell gives its call 
    And the test tubes filled with unknown salts and distilled water
  • Heal

    If I have three wishes to be granted (tomorrow, 25th birthday, and 50th birthday) ... My wish for tomorrow is that the coronavirus would just go away.