Forever young

Forever young


18 years old


  • Wish I knew

    I see you
    almost everyday
    our eyes meet for a second,
    but its never enough.
    Empty space hangs between us,
    only sometimes broken by a few furtile words.
    I don't know why I'm pulled to you,
    like a moth drawn to a flame.
  • After I died

    I was falling, falling into a black abyss, the place of no return. Silence pressed up around me, squashing my very essence into a small, untouchable ball. I could not feel, for I had no arms or legs, or a body, for that matter.
  • Sad

    I walk into school

    Smiling and hoping for the sun to be bright above us

    cheering us up

    warming our faces

    I see you

    walking into school

    Also smiling

    but I can see behind your mask
  • We believe in you

    When he said no
    I cried a river
    You must be feeling a hundred times more
    When I squeezed my eyes tight and wished for my feelings for him would die
    I know you are feeling a thousand times more